The level of CO2 is expressed in ppm (parts per milion), we recommend a limit value of 1000 ppm for a healthy indoor climate. From and above 1200 ppm, the indoor climate is really unhealthy and needs direct ventilation. Next to the CO2 level, air humidity is also an important factor. Air that is too dry irritates the airways and air that is too humid can cause mould. The air humidity is expressed in rh (relative humidity), we advise to aim for an air humidity percentage between 40% and 60%.
In case of an unhealthy indoor climate, the following health issues can occur:
- Headaches, fatigue and drowsiness (often increasing during the day).
- Mucous membrane irritations and other non-specific complaints.
- Transmission of infectious diseases leading to increased absenteeism.
- Aggravation of allergies.
- Increased risk of asthma attacks.
Step-by-step plan for a healthy indoor environment
- Raise awareness
Become aware of the indoor climate. What is the level of CO2 in the air? Is the air humidity at the right level? What is the temperature like? After measuring, specific actions can be taken.
- Taking action
Is the ppm value in the room often too high? Ventilate extra and have the existing ventilation system checked. Perhaps it is a matter of cleaning and some minor adjustments. You can, for example, open windows and doors or turn up the ventilation systems.
- Monitor
Monitor the indoor climate on a daily basis. This allows quick action to be taken when the indoor climate changes negatively.